Rutter gives developers a unified API to work with E-commerce data.**

OpenWeb - a platform for publishers to manage their users comments.**

HIVE - one of the leading providers of full-stack AI software for enterprises.**

Venture Development Partners were happy to participate in the pre-IPO placement** Robinhood is a zero-commission stock trading app. NASDAQ: HOOD

INSENSE is the first platform (ContentTech) that connects brands and influential content creators to run FB & IG ad campaigns more effectively.

Clanbeat is a personalized growth support tool for schools helping people to discover their true passions, achieve their goals, and shape their own future. Clanbeat’s goal is to humanize learning environments. (EdTech, Educational Technology)

ZERO is an A.I.-driven mobile email solution for the Legal and Financial industries. ZERO is designed to increase email productivity and capture billable time on mobile without giving up enterprise-grade security and privacy. (LegalTech)

Elafris is pioneering the integration of Artificial Intelligence into messenger chatbots that are precisely tailored for the banking and insurance industries.

DIGITALL is an award-winning digital agency offering UI/UX design, branding, web design and development, and digital product design.  DIGITALL combines cutting-edge technology with client-centric service and efficient pricing.  Our investment will be used to expand North American operations at DIGITALL.

Representative angel investments by partners*

Allset (backed by Andreessen Horowitz) Quick Dine-In On Demand. Live in San Francisco and the Bay Area, New York City, Chicago.

Le Tote (backed by Andreessen Horowitz, Lerer Hippeau Ventures, Azure Capital Partners) Netflix for Women's fashion.

Placemeter (EXIT: acquired by Netgear) Video recognition and computer vision analytics.

Sproutling (EXIT: acquired by Mattel) Maker of smart baby monitors.


Worklife (EXIT: acquired by Cisco, Worklife is now Cisco Spark Meeting Notes) Better teams through better meetings.

Rolith (EXIT: acquired by Metamaterial Technologies, Inc.) Nanostructured coatings for solar and electronics.